Me, Myself and the others in my head.
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Here's more than you probably want to know about me...

Hey! I'm Jeff, although I have a ton of nicknames. I am 17, live in Arlington VA, and have friends that I owe everything to. Family is not one of my strong points, but I'm not going to go into a sob story on my own web page, I think I have a seperate page for that! I am gay, and love most of the stereotypically "gay" things, but am not one to restrict myself. Ask me anything you want to know, I love to chat!

From Tests and Quizes (, as well as others)

I'm 35% pure :-) yeah.. nicely in the middle... more to come ( I shall be expected to die on March 1, 2055.. at the age of 71. I will most likely die from Cancer, Alien Abduction or Auto-Felatio. ;-) ALSO.. I'm 53% greedy.. whatever that means.

FROM THESPARK::::: I am 64% gay :-) I like the homo test more from down below though... Also, I am 81% un-intellegent (the higher the better :-) Here is the custom report of your personality that led our team of geeks to conclude (with confidence) that you are resourceful, sly, and guaranteed to get away with everything:

"The subject shows an astounding level of intelligence, and his sense of observation is one of his best qualities. Considering this, he shows a lot of potential, but that's only part of the equation.

"Also, as much as we hate violence, an occasional mauling is one way to solve day-to-day problems like unpleasant coworkers or pesky door-to-door salesmen; he just isn't tough enough, sir, and he avoids any solution that involves violence.

"Finally, the subject displayed a healthy (better than most net freaks anyway) sense of humor, a down and dirty sense of morality, and a barbaric self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals."

I'm not pregnant.. or so Thespark said.. but I will have 3 kids.. a girl is next! hmm... at least I don't have to worry about getting any girls pregnant by accident! (SHUTTUP MELISSA)

Yay.. according to AT&T.. I'm a ... Wireless Wizard :-)
You really know your stuff! You're way into new technology, always looking out for the next big thing. You're definitely ready to get unplugged and start surfing on the go.

Oh oh oh.. ha... here you go! 54 percent gay- I'm a well balanced homo.. so go take the REAL test.. and tell me what YOU get!

WORDS TO LIVE BY! Your heart is pure, and your mind clear, and soul devout.

Melissa and I- Me heading off for a prom.

This is me and my ex girlfriend- turned best friend Melissa. I know I look all out of it, truth be told, I can't stand tuxes!

Following Tripod's Suggestions....

My Fav. Stuff!

Alright, here goes. Tell me what else I should stick here.

TV: Queer as Folk is almost to kinky for ME.. yeah right.. The Practice, ER, Dark Angel, CSI, and Nash Bridges are really good. So are Judging Amy, Baywatch, Knight Rider lol.. and well everything else.. esp cop shows

Movie: Trick, Craft, American Beauty, True Lies, Nothing But Trouble, Sixth Sense, Erin Brockovitch, Gone in 60 Sec. OMG, and the Fast and the Furious- I need to see Girlfight soon.. Michele Hernandez ROCKS!

Music: Anything; Bush, Live, just anything that can get you thinking or moving. Annie Lenox, Sneaker Pimps, basically all of it! Um, also Chemical Bros. Tantric, RHCP- I wanna ride YOUR Roller Coaster :-)

Favorite Book: Sue Grafton letter series.

Favorite Food: Sushi, Chinese, Tempura, Mexican. I love to eat, but I also love to cook.

People I Most Admire: There are a lot of GLBT heros out there, but instead I'm just going to say my mom, who has been through hell and back in life. She is the greatest person, but there are many friends of mine that I trully admire as well. Rob, I have to say, you are one of the top on my list.


Tiz me.

Sarah says hi!
