Me, Myself and the others in my head.
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Beliefs and Opinions

This page is supposed to be about my beliefs and opinions... I don't understand the point of it! (I'll discuss that below :-)

Ok, the point of the matter is, I have no point at all. I'm not about to discuss politics- too bloody, not foreign affrairs- too ... bloody, and not Canada- I'm not going there. I am for women's rights, GLBT rights.... freedom of speach (even on the net) and all that good stuff. I am also for a strengthened military, although I am not really opinionated with regard to the "don't ask don't tell" policy. If you want me to discuss anything else, I will, but either post it here (Guestbook) or email me. Great!

Ok, I don't like the Walmart commercials- a balding 30 year old pretending to relate to teens by saying they have what "looks and smells like a CD.. but guess what.. it's a DVD." If he dares to make one more commercial dancing around like he's some 17 year old.. I'm gonna freak.

Have you ever noticed how the lesbian couple on Friends looks and acts a LOT like the lesbian couple on Queer as Folk? WTF is up with that? hmm

You know what? I really really REALLY want one of those "Serta Sheep" - you know - the sheep that people count but can't anymore since they can sleep once they get the serta mattress.. they would be SO much fun to have. I mean picture this- me playing poker with Austin and 5 sheep talking like mobsters. Hehehe..


12/11/00- What is there to say? Janice needs to lose the laugh... um. yeah.

Alright, ya know what? I don't care if Eminem is a homophobe bitch-ass pussy fucker. He has some damn good music, and not only that.. but he's got a cute voice even if his eyes DO look like they are the SIDES of his head.

I'm officially out in my school now, what a load off. It was a LONG time in the making, but I just don't care anymore. Hell, if a guy gets a second look from me, he should be so happy.. well that would make like 90 percent of the XY chromosomed individuals happy.. but .. whatever. Ok, the point is, I'm coming out of the closet, I'm happy and that's all that matters. :-)

Hey, did any of you know that Gays can't legally give blood to hospitals and blood drives and the like. There are a lot of reasons why I can see this is so, however it is discriminatory- and it really makes me angry. Technically speaking I can understand that the risk factors from sone deadly diseases are higher in gays, however I still think that with the rampid drug use in this country, there is a lot more to be worried about the men who buttfuck. I can think of many many many more people that I PERSONALLY know who are higher risk factors. However, I also know many within the GAY community who are safer with themselves and thier bodies than MANY others. I think that if they have to sanction who gives blood the way that they are, in a most DISRESPECTFUL way, I think no one should be able to give blood period.

***My Guestbook is on the first page (home) and my contact info is on the Contacts page***