Me, Myself and the others in my head.
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It's a Wild Spankeling of Quotes!

Musical Quotes

A sleepless sleep slow motion dream wanna dig
my grave... Time ticks away on the longest day
Wanna break away on the longest day - Eve 6

Kristen's Quotes

K's SN: there is a midget on my lap
K's SN: =)

Erin's Quotes

Jeff: we need to get you a hooker... a pretty one.
Jack: not an afro one?
Erin: (puzzlement) afro-hooker?

Jeff my hood just blew off.

Jeff, look a fairy... no offense

I like being funny..OW!

He apparently enjoyed that... OOH OOH OOH!!!
And this is what happens when Erin has her caffeine and her prozac :-) hee hee hee hehe what?

Sara's Quotes

S's SN: headaches
S's SN: headaches
S's SN: aspirin commercials give me headaches

Elisa's Quotes

Elisa: (with a German accent) I'm so glad I'm intellegent
Me: But you're pretty too!
Elisa: (with a German accent) But don't get in there!

Elisa: My fingers suck more than yours!
Me: Various turkey noises...

Melissa's Quotes

If I have fever in my forehead, do I have fever in my mouth? - Melissa

Because of your lack of respect.... .... ... AHHHHHHH!!... ... - Melissa

Xander: You. Me. Whipped cream. Handcuffs. Any questions?
Melissa: sex? or ice cream sundaes in jail?

M's SN: lol
M's SN: HOI!
M's SN: no
M's SN: HO!

M's SN: im a radioactive stripper!
M's SN: muahahaha - Melissa

M's SN: M's SN: stupid pictionary :-(
M's SN: its being bad to me
*****(why did melissa send something to herself?)*****

tomb.. tooooomb STONE~ Hair WIG! a clown a.. CLOWN! I'm drawing I'm drawing.. what am I drawing? a.. a wench.. BENCH! yes I know how to draw a "hedge" yay.


M's SN: lol guess what?
Jeff!!!!!: chicked butt
Jeff!!!!!: what?
M's SN: chicked butt?
Jeff!!!!!: hahashaha
M's SN: lol
Jeff!!!!!: hash? what is wrong with me!
M's SN: i was just thinking the same thing, lol
M's SN: but anyway...

HOTMAIL! Get away from the boobs!'

Melissa: (Build a bear workshop) He just has a swelled up hand
Erin: he's retaining water..
Me: Retaining water...?! He's a STUFFED BEAR!

My boobs dont' talk!

Melissa: eye luv u
Carl: bye
Melissa: what?
Carl: sorry
Melissa: I say I love you and you say bye?

No... you're evil!... I did a dance for ANNA!

M's SN: zah quah fah yah tah

M's SN: noooooooooo
M's SN: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M's SN: diet me jeff! diet me!
M's SN: {{sigh}}
M's SN: i need to diet
M's SN: not literally
M's SN: wheres alker way
M's SN: i have nobody
M's SN: oh my bones

**Excerpts from one comversation she had with my away message***

M's SN: can we say FIDGET!
M's SN: (did i spell that right?)
M's SN: thats me :-)
M's SN: yeah done
M's SN: bye bye
M's SN: omg im such an idiot
M's SN: and a bitch
M's SN: im a shithead
M's SN: happy rosh hashana!
*** ***

Even butt cracks have good colleges!

Jeff!!!: did you have sex? I had sex

M's SN: so i can seximilicify myself over there weejie weejie

M's SN: my paper is gonna be 7 pages of ass on a stick

M's SN: im going to ebay
M's SN: AHH!!
M's SN: not ebay
M's SN: edbay

I can't erase my boobs!

M's SN: :P
M's SN: :oP
M's SN: :oD
M's SN: :o)
M's SN: ;o)
M's SN: DDD:o)
M's SN: weejie mcflurry
M's SN: so yeah........BYE
M's SN signed off at 11:17:13 PM.
M's SN signed on at 11:17:43 PM.
M's SN: IM BACK!!!!!!!
M's SN (7:22:33 AM): sez weejies
Auto response from Jeff!!! (7:22:33 AM): Sleeping.. leave one ;-)
M's SN (7:22:42 AM): sez
M's SN (7:22:49 AM): sex
M's SN signed off at 7:22:58 AM.
M's SN: but im a lesbian and we need to talk
Jeff!!!: awww how.. sweet?
M's SN: and youre my lesbian lover
Jeff!!!: lol so MANY quotes
M's SN: (tushie)
M's SN: (cushion)
M's SN: tushie cushion!
M's SN: what a cute name
M's SN: theres so much of me
M's SN: i just ate beef!
At least I don't have penises here! .. wait....??

Tamar's Quotes

It's a tit bit nipply in here!
***Stolen from Sarah K. Or so she says***

Thong! Stupid colleges! Does my hair look good??!?!?!

T----A-----P--- WATER!

To Sarah- "You work with PEOPLE?!??!"

To Ari "What you want to slap my bitch up? Oh yeah!"

Tamar: ShaWING! That woman is running away like I don't know what...
Me: that was a MAN!

OMG shit beans on a whore!
OMG I love him too (referring to me)

Like a skank on a cow in the middle of Africa

(To Me) You and I should go out!

In Bible class to me..
Jeff (whispering): This class isn't bad!
Tamar *confused look*
Jeff (whispering a bit louder): This class isn't bad!!
Tamar *confused look*
Jeff (yelling in the dead silence): BAD.. BAD..

In defending her page of notes.. really quickly and relaly high pitched..... "Not on me fer nut!"

********Tamar's Song********

La De Da,
I Want Ma

De Da Dee,
Come With Me

Dum De Dum,
Gimme some gum

Boop-Boop De Doop,
I have a Fruit Loop

I fly in the sky

Bo Bo De Do,
Tamars a bigfat ho

Lets have a fling

Faddle Foodle Fiddle,
I can be in the middle.


He's holding his body against me... Not literally... but that's not good!

*randomly in my notebook I found...* "On the first day of Xmas my true love have to me.. somethin somethin somethin.."

Look, I'm sharpening my nose!

Damn you! And I pressed the button against it!

And SWEET we can warn her up the wazoo

ShimmerGal84: im friggin almost 18 and my mother grounds me for being heterosexual

Anna's giving me intimate messagers!

Scotty's Quotes

Me: I'm eating chinese
Scott: I had chinese yesterday
Scott: then I threw up
Me: oh.. pleasant..

Jess' Quotes

L's SN: and he has an amazing talent
L's SN: singing, guitar.. making me drool, lol
L's SN: i'm not boy crazy, i swear
L's SN: I just have good taste

Look, these are my fingers!

mumble mumble mumble.. OOH! GRAPES!

L's SN: jeff and jack went up the stack to fetch a pail of soda, jeff fell down, and into a near by hammock and jack went sprinting to jeff there after.

L's SN: ooolaaaalaaaa!
L's SN: my bum is on the roof, my bum is on the roof!

L's SN: i believe my nose has a god in it

Insert evil laugh here..

My name's i-book, and I can get online no matter where I am!

meehhhhh, I'm i-book.. mehhhhh

Oooh, look, I get to put on goggles, ooooh

Song about Chemistry:

<in opera style>

Chemistry, Chemistry,
When I sit in Chemistry
I just want to get a gun
and put me out of my misery!

Just give me a 4 by 4,
And I could bump off
the West Virginian whore....

Chemistry, Chemistry,
Life could good so smooth-ill-ee,
if I could just plain skip this class
And go stare at Zak <his last names>'s ass...

Never did any work,
Just sat there, staring blankly
Wishing that I could just smack that jerk
Of a teacher standing oddly...

Crocodile Man look alike, evil woman
Please go away now,
Or I'll be forced
to have a cow...

Chemistry, Chemistry,
How I hate my chemistry!
Wait til I graduate!
I just can't seem to wait...



End of my song.. wasn't that lovely?

I'm gonna go to your school and peek into the room and stare at you through the window, and run around barking. Then I going to tackle a yummy Jewish boy and make him a slave to the god in my nose...

L's SN: you're a transexual sheep
L's SN: :-D

Oh, fuck me and call me Elvis, my ass is screwed!

L's SN: "I would like an order of balls, and please super size them too."

L's SN: blip blop blah
L's SN: gah
L's SN: gtg
L's SN: need sleep
L's SN: tests
L's SN: augh
L's SN: sheep

Your whore is so fluffy!

Bbrrrr! My hands are cold. Can I stick them down your pants to warm them up?

L's SN: Shauna's wearing socks on her head
L's SN: yet she complains her feet are cold..
L's SN: *sings*  Transexual sheep is thy name, they ass is so fluffy, along with your whore.  Lalala
L's SN: Let's hang Barney in a tree
L's SN: I'll go get my 44
(While talking to John & looking at his license)  "You look like a German who has been eating sausages all winter" 

Laura's Quotes

L's SN: I mean SERIOUSLY...
L's SN: I thought you were gay, and you keep biting my tits

Jeff!!!: I'm pregnant
L's SN: hoy hoy!??

L's SN: "...for I am a bear of very little brain and long words bother me."

L's SN: just those squirrels who keep coming back.
drewbeeboi: why do you alwayz have to bring up the squirrels?
L's SN: they destroyed the couch!
L's SN: okay, so my sun chips bag says, "original recipe.  30% less fat!"    lying bastards
L's SN: how can it be the original recipe then!?

Socrates' Quotes

S's SN: your a Pretty Owl... it's very rare...

Jeff!!!: good morning duck
S's SN: good morning, rabbit
Jeff!!!: oh.. that's good

Jeff!!!: you need a pong
Jeff!!!: er
Jeff!!!: pond
S's SN: pond?
Jeff!!!: where do you do Crew? on a body of water
Jeff!!!: where are ducks? on a pond
Jeff!!!: you need a pond
S's SN: you need a...
S's SN: a...
Jeff!!!: yeah I know
S's SN: i dunno.. a...
Jeff!!!: I have NO idea what goes with horny and rabbit
Jeff!!!: I'm thinking.. blond boi
S's SN: hahahahahha
Jeff!!!: cuz well.. horny is obvious.. but hmm lol

S's SN: what about sex?
Jeff!!!: I dont' know.. just sex sex sex
S's SN: OHHHH because you're a HORNYrabbit! Oh yeah, I get it.
S's SN: I thought you were a.... a... a snowrabbit or something of that nature
Jeff!!!: yay
S's SN: like... an owlrabbit or something

S's SN: it's raining men
S's SN: hallelujah
S's SN: it's raining men

...And I was like... "Go fuck a tree"
S's SN: ok... time to put something else in my mouth
S's SN: I'd rather do ve'ehhe'eh
.....By the way, it's windy as Presbyterians outside.
S's SN: my mouth rejected a piece of dorito while I was chewing
Jeff!!!: ewww
S's SN: my mouth does that
S's SN: by natural selection
S's SN: because that piece of dorito was weak
S's SN: and frail
S's SN: darwinism, dude.
S's SN: and I kicked its ass and all the doritos are on the floor now
S's SN: bunny wunny (drools)
Jeff!!!: ?
S's SN: I'm a 2 year old
S's SN: (drools)
Jeff!!!: ehm...
Jeff!!!: ehm...
Jeff!!!: yes
S's SN: gabbledigook
S's SN: I'd get up to get a glass of water but the mass of doritos in my stomach has exceeded the limit for me to get the fuck up.
S's SN: I'd kick my own ass, but my foot doesn't bend that way
S's SN: I'm so bored....  there's this really straight song on the radio and I'm slow dancing to it
Jeff!!!: with yourself
S's SN: with my catfish
Then when we got out of class, it was foggy as gerbils outside. Everyone had to turn on their headlights. I had to turn on my asslights.

Quotes De Moi

Jeff!!!: don't make *throb* me slap *throb* your bitch *throb* up!

Jeff!!!: lol
Jeff!!!: I just emitted a noise..
Jeff!!!: and I have no idea how
Angela's SN: hm..okay

Kristen: You mean he has velcro shoes?
Me: Yes, but he has very a very nice chest...

Refresh my bitch!

You know what we can do.... I don't remember.. it has something to do with getting the security guards dizzy.

I just imagined him (Colonel Sanders) walking out into the hallway with an army of chickens following him.

(while driving) Sir, you're worth 2000 points.. BOOM!

Squirrels drinking beer? yay!

Jeff!!!: Jess says hi.. in the midst of my over loading Lemaz breathing

(Sleepily looking at clock and turning to Tamar) What time is it?

Jeff!!!: I expect a mentioning in your unmentionables.. lol
Jeff!!!: no.. wait

********Melissa & I talking to some random guy on this internet game she has**********

******We're black, and the phrases we can use are limited and preset by the game*******

White has chat turned on. (Beginner, English)
You are playing as Black.
Black> Okay, I'm back
Black> I'm thinking...
Black> I'm thinking...
Black> Hello
Black> No
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> Thank you
Black> I got the corner!
Black> I got the corner!
Black> Ouch!
Black> Okay, I'm back
Black> Oops!
Black> Ouch!
Black> Didn't see that coming!


If he got any cuter.. I'd have to stab MYSELF with a fork..

Jeff!!!: and I would LOVE finding money in my thong

Me: My mother and I have to talk to me... zipple?

Jeff!!!: this is problematic
Jeff!!!: I want Jessica Alba
Walker's SN: well...who doesnt?
Walker's SN: lol
Jeff!!!: GAY MEN

X Man: I want to be hitler.. no, I don't want to BE hitler, I just want to play with his army.
Me: I think I've said that before too!

I seriously think I just told you to put your arm around Barbara Bush...

Kermit does not have boobies!... KERMIT DOES NOT HAVE BOOBIES! stop feeling up kermit!

OMG I have a poster of his nipples! Nipples Nipples Nipples! I love his nipples.. *loving sigh*

Jeff!!!: You.. go to show.. date Fiddler on Roof- Watkinds Mill Chris show in, you me go spring yes? good

Jeff!!!: I'm rubbin my balls.. not gettin anything..
Either that girl is licking her nipples or this is just a bad porn.
To the Jews.. he was simply Jesus- just like Cher or Madonna, he just had one name.
John: So you don't believe Mary was a virgin then?
Jeff: Mary could have been a slut for all I care
It's between me and my mother.. .. and waddiyacallit... a genetical thing
"Puppies...Kittens...Gonna grow into Dogs and Cats." -My version of Celine Dion's "Rain, Tax"
OMG.. was that a midget on a steamroller?  AHHH! Where is Kristen??!?! IT WAS IT WAS!?!?!!!!!

John's Quotes

J's SN: she's tha breast
Lets go put the duck in the fridge... put the duck in your mouth....quack quack.... quack......aflac!
someone needs a buttplug (while looking at Austin)
Lick the chicken!
Beer is for straight boys who want pussy...
And the extra wide mouth is good for .. big... thick...  yeah...  oh look it's a quote!
I'm a re-re!
Oooh, I like your chair with arms... they still allow me to sit doggy style... INDIAN STYLE INDIAN STYLE!  Whew, Freudian slip huh?  Can you TELL someone wants it doggy style?
How'd I get on a damn "sex pic of the day" for straight people?
I am getting so hot.. going to take the pants off!
If I wanted your ass in my mouth I'd ask for it!
I'm tellin you.. there's a black girl up in here!
Don't I work it likes it's platinum plated?  I got a platinum plated ASS!
I guess I won't be buttering my meat than!
*With an English accent*  Keep it real as I touch your penis.
Suck satan's cock for quarters.
Did someone urinate in his cheerios?

Ari C's Quotes

A's SN: hey
Jeff!!!: hey!
A's SN: what's up yo?
Jeff!!!: lol not much homey (sexual)

J.L's Quotes

2 Men can't make babies... but they can certainly try!

Viva's Quotes

Viva: you are NOT a peacock!!
Me: ugh. I want some cock!

Me: So is today going to be religious or non religious?
Viva: Potatoes .. pancakes!
Viva: Wait, what as the question?

the 43 year old gay man in the back of her car: You should masturbate more often.

The 43 year old gay man who calls her Chloe: We should have sex some time.
so yeah..i was sexually harrased and then beat up by a 4 yr old.. how fucked up is that?

Random Quotes

There's a certain class of people who will do you in and then remain completely mystified by the depth of your pain. - Kinsey Milhone

You're so stupid it makes me tired. - Nina Van Horn

I wanted to raise the kids Jewish, and you wanted to sleep with men... ... And I really do enjoy that!! - Grace, Will

To your astonishment Chris seductively drank his ovaries on your nose. (Madlibs)

Willy tickles the twang for 2 oy oy- Simpsons

That's a foul. I am taking the ball and going home... the chase begins- Simpsons

Good gracious, I should bust a cap in your ass- Simpsons

Nothing pleases my shiny bottom more than a black bottle bubbly!

It's called Romance-- not everyone can make their ass glow red to attract a mate!

Are you really that dopey or do you just say stupid things to show off your outfits?

G-d, you're being good... I'm glad I knew you when you were bad!

Why don't you jump up her dressed like a Bavarian fruitcake?

Now where's my wonderbra? - Mel Gibson

I'm a lesbian!- Mel Gibson

Be proud! Welcome the gay line-backer into your shower!

(Drunken) I have decided I will love this child.. despite his mother's stupidity and his father's dumbitity...

Anger is my religion!

Sex is like a bridge game, if you don't have a good partner than you better have a good hand.

Oooh, yay, buffalo testicles.. *chomp*

Why the hell did I intend to catch that in my mouth but at the last minute decided not to and allow it to hit my head instead?

(2 Hicks)
Man: I'm gay a little bit.. (while wearing a dress)
Woman: When did you become gay? This morning?

Respect the bubble

Just because the ambulances go by at high speeds does not mean they want to race you.

"Maintaining a state of conscienceness is a minimum requirement"- Colonel Sanders

Bye bye coochie! - Charo

Who gives a flyin patoot about Aids infested GAy squirrels

No more little acorns up my ass when i sit down to watch oprah

If she married a GUY she'd be like.. the worst lesbian ever!

What? It's not like I'm putting little NIPPLES on them!

I'm sorry.. there's laughing in my head.

I'm sorry it's the pigs- they're reluctant to get in the blanket!

The world is my lesbian wedding.

Ok, Penish shmenish.. we're all people!

I can't tell you how many times after a bender I'd wake up next to strange priests

But her baby thought he was the Pope. He smiled and waved, and smiled and waved. With his penis in a bottle.

Am I on crack? - Mrs. Klotz

I'm like.. whoa! - Mrs. Bresnick

When I asked him to take it out, he said he didn't want to offend the Arabs.

Just focus on his ass, it doesn't matter what he says.

OMG we're trapped.. I'm trapped and I gotta pee! Help us! I have to pee! Please! Atlantic City, I have to pee!

Look at the little pony.. pont pony pony... Who's a pony? You're a pony, oh yes you are pretty pretty pony!

Shane got spooked and started bucking wildly underneath me.. I felt this surge of confusing emotions...

I am deeply in love with Gaby Dymond and I would therefore like to publicly announce my sincerest apologies to him for all of the sinful thoughts that I keep having about him. -Daniel Minerbi

Where do you get chickens in New Jersey? - Mike

Rudlof the red nosed wino
Had a very shiny nose,
And if you ever got close to him,
He would take off all his clothes,
All of the other wino's,
Used to laugh and call him names,
They never let poor Rudolf,
Play in any wino games,
Then one chilly christmas eve,
Rudolf froze to death.- Erich

I ain't a gentlemen, I just don't want to hump a crazy girl!

Try as I might my hyman's never been broken.. it just stretches like taffee.. brrrrrrrrrrrrrm boo.. brrrrrrrrrrrrrm boo

No thanks, I have a hat full of waffles... "mmmm waffley!" Yes, I have syrup in my pants!

strwbryfields84: ..i don't think that's narcolepsy..feeling a bit deranged, jeff?

(On having a baby) I wanted to name her fluffy.. Right up until the last minute I kept praying that she'd be a kitten.

You don't know! They could all be "the one" And you won't know until you sleep with them.. all of them!

Wild goat time - that means having a really good time with goats right? - Rabbi Sales
If I say cat..? 
Kitty Kitty Kitty?
How can you let him talk to your crotch like that?!?!!
Because spam cannot be absorbed through the penis....

Chana's Quotes

Jeff!!!: I see you baby shaking that ass.. shaking that ass shakin that ass
C's SN: oh yeah
C's SN: im shaking it

Sarah's Quotes

More Jeffay! Sarah say's hi!

Put me up.. PUT ME UP! Mine's longer then Tama-ar's!

Sarah Say's hi!

Penis? Nifty Penis!

You would- in response to anything. My ass

Chris's Quotes

This is true- (It's MINE)

C's SN: i highly doubt my light would tell you to shoot your mother. it's a prefectly sane strobe light
C's SN: omg, i'm stupid.

Pontificate, what a cool word!

When the cows come home, when they fall over and die and rot...

Jeff!!!: HAHAHA
Jeff!!!: Ha
Jeff!!!: ha
Jeff!!!: ok
C's SN: are you sure you're done?
Jeff!!!: sex
Blue02Dude: i'll take that as a no

Jeff!!!: well pah
Jeff!!!: pah on your head PAH PAH I say
C's SN: you want a date?
C's SN: hehehe...."welcome to jeff's nipples...."
C's SN: hehe...i thought of you shrinking cars.  first, them lying down on a couch telling you about their oil transmission problems....

Shauna's Quotes

AfroPuffGirl16: I can do stuff with guys WITHOUT cleaning a bathroom

AfroPuffGirl16: I'm so fustrated I wanna kick myself in the ass

Jess: Ok, the stimulation has ended...
Shauna: Yeah, now that the batteries ran out!

Lauren's Quotes

Haha.. you said bitch!

I think my children have died.

Walker's Quotes

W's SN: and watch out for that essense shit
W's SN: it'll kill ya!

W's SN: chickens are decent people! why doesn't anybody understand that!

W's SN: no HER dick. her dick (which equals carl lol)

W's SN: laaaaaaaaadedaaaaaaaaaaa
W's SN: im fucked im fucked im fucked im fuuuuuuuuucked.

Jeff!!!: we eat relish off of each other's Icons
W's SN: what...the...fuck...

Angela's Quotes

A's SN: my cats learned how to use the answering machine and earse messages before I get them
A's SN: its now locked safely in a drawer

A's SN: hehe. I meant not BE a woman.. BE WITH a woman..
A's SN: but I could see you in drag..
I'm going to strangle you with ribbons. :)

Beth's Quotes

Me (with my Screen name): So how is the beth?
Beth: wow. with that name, it could only be porn or jeff

I'm sorry for forgetting anyone! Or for Frolicing.. damn Tamar.